Genesis 950 can be used to remove pet stains and pet odors from carpeting. Genesis 950 makes cleaning pet stains easy. it can also break down and remove stains that other cleaning products have no impact on. As an all purpose cleaner, Genesis 950 can be used to treat stains either by spot cleaning, or by using in any carpet cleaning machine.

While there are many types of pet stain removers, many of them do not properly break stains down. As a result, pet owners become frustrated. Pet stain removers can be expensive. Sometimes this leads to calling professional carpet cleaners or even replacing the carpet. Both even more expensive than the pet stain removers!
Genesis 950 actually breaks down the pet stains by making them water soluble. When stains become water soluble, they actually lose adherence and break away from the surface they have attached to.
We received some before and after photos from a customer who was relieved to have finally found a pet stain remover that works!

"Hi, I have a large area (living room, hall and 3 bedrooms) that my 5 yeah old shih tzu has completely destroyed with urine stains. I ordered a gallon of your product, and it quickly removed a pretty large feces stain from my 5 month old puppy, so I was pretty excited to try it in a carpet cleaner."
The photo shows the old stains on the carpet.

Other cleaners, such as soap based cleaners, do not remove carpet stains because they actually attract the stains. In the event that soap is used in carpet, it will lock the stain into the fiber and pull more of the stain inward.
This photo shows the stain when Genesis 950 is applied and has begun to soak into the stain.
As Genesis 950 soaks into the stain, it actually breaks the stain down and allows it to lift from the carpet.
Julie was ecstatic she FINALLY found a pet stain remover that worked!
"5 month old puppy with diarrhea+long carpet fibers=IMPOSSIBLE STAIN. I tried every pet product known to man. This stain was about 2 weeks old. Got my first gallon of Genesis 950 today...50/50 mix, sprayed on, rubbed off and in 5 minutes it was GONE."
Here are some other examples of Genesis 950 used to remove pet stains:
If you have finally had it with pet stain removers that don't work, it's time to give Genesis 950 a try. genesis 950 is the best pet stain remover for old pet stains and new pet stains. Whether you have visible stains, or pet odor in the carpet, Genesis 950 will work for you!